1010th day. Kharkiv is just 19 miles away from ruzzi❤an border

1010th day.
Kharkiv is just 19 miles away from ruzzian border.
May be an image of lighting and christmas tree
  Before ruzzian invasion in 2022 it was mainly ruzzian speaking city (not anymore). Ruzzians were dreaming of taking over the city quickly and easily. But despite all their efforts, despite non-stop missile, drone attacks and aviation bombs, the city still stands free. Kids have been doing school in bomb shelters more than in classrooms above the ground. People spend a lot of time in the subway, hiding during the air raids. Life is stressful and challenging. A city with a pre-invasion population of about 2 million has now half of that population. But those who remain there keep living and working!
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These are the photos of one of the subway stations decorated for Christmas this year. There won’t be much decorating and Christmas lights above the ground, but citizens of Kharkiv refuse to allow ruzzians to steal Christmas yet another year.
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There are always debates about whether the money should have been spent on war needs rather than decorations. But this was funded by private sponsors, and it’s a symbol of resilience, courage,
May be an image of christmas tree and lighting
and, most importantly, Hope. May these Christmas lights inspire hope and remind people of the true meaning of Christmas—the True Light that has already overcome the darkness!

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